Museum of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi
Church of Blessed Klymenty Sheptytskyi and Museum of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi

Museum of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi

The museum exhibits are located on the first floor, and all museum premises are 95% wheelchair accessible.

The museum has a specially equipped toilet for people with disabilities. In the yard of the museum, there is an opportunity for a driver with a disability to park a car. The gate to this courtyard is located (~45 m) to the left of the main entrance to the temple from the sidewalk.

A hydraulic lift/elevator has been installed at the main gate to the church (5 m on the left), and a hydraulic lift/elevator has been established, especially for wheelchair users. Also, an intercom-type device has been installed to contact the person on duty, who will resolve the issue of a person with a disability entering the churchyard. Thus, we immediately enter the premises of the Museum of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi. From the museum's premises, it is possible to enter the Church of Blessed Klymentius Sheptytskyi directly.


Museum corridor with pictures on the walls

The former Church of St. Casimir was built in 1656-1664 for the Order of Honorable Mention Reformers. Later, the church and monastery were handed over to the "sharitkas" - sisters of mercy of St. Vicentia and Paulo, who maintained an orphanage.

A little further - the former monastery hospital of St. Vincentia and Paulo. Behind it, in the yard, there is a small church of St. Francis. Today in the former church of St. Casimir, the Blessed Fr. Klymentia Sheptytskyi temple. Sacred exhibits from the Studio collection are alternately exhibited in this temple - miraculously surviving ancient icons, crosses...

In the room nearby, in the former monastery of the 17th century. There is a unique Museum of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, which was opened on August 29, 2020. Every day in the museum, you can examine the personal belongings of the head of the church and learn about his life, ordination as a monk, and spiritual service. The museum is unique in that during the underground life of the UGCC, monks, and laity managed to preserve the Metropolitan's personal belongings.

Entrance to the museum is free.

Address, contacts St. Kryvonosa, 1. Lviv

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21-04-23 10:56