Black Stone Mansion
The pearl of Renaissance architecture

Black Stone Mansion

For people in wheelchairs, it is possible to enter the building only with a portable ramp. At the same time, only up to the level of the 1st floor and the inner courtyard. The museum exposition is located on the second floor, which is reached by a narrow wooden staircase. The upper floors are completely inaccessible for people in wheelchairs.

Museum employees have a portable ramp at their disposal, which, at the request of a person with a disability (wheelchair user), museum employees can take out and provide assistance when entering/exiting the museum.

However, in the museum, measures have been taken to equip the means of orientation and familiarization with the exhibits for people with visual impairments. The museum's first floor and inner courtyard have a tactile yellow strip - which will facilitate movement for blind people and allow them to "see" - tactilely explore some of the museum's exhibits.

The museum has no toilet accessible to Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM).


Tactile yellow stripe in the museum corridor

The pearl of Renaissance architecture is the Black Stone Mansion. The house's facade is made of sandstone, which tends to absorb moisture and soot and darkens over time.

The house was built in 1588-89. In 1596, the merchant and pharmacist Jan Lorentsovych owned the building and opened one of the first Lviv pharmacies here.

Later, a third floor was added to the Black Stone Mansion. The facade was decorated with figures of saints, and an attic and some interiors were decorated in a new way. Reliefs of the 17th century, they depict the Mother of God, St. Martin on a horse, who cuts off the middle of his cloak with a sword and gives it to a beggar, as well as the figure of Lviv Saint Stanislav Kostka, the patron and defender of the city against fires.

At the entrance to the house, on the right, a small stone bench has been preserved from medieval times, on which a guard sat, and in order not to fall asleep, the bench was made as uncomfortable as possible. Try to fit comfortably on it?!

A few years ago, the tenement house was carefully restored with the US Embassy Fund funds for cultural heritage preservation. Now, it houses the Museum of the History of the city of Lviv.

Address, contacts sq. Rynok 4, Lviv

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